The Gift of Strength
When we first hear the news that we are going to be blessed with a child a surreal aura comes over us. We know the meaning of Angels and the meaning of love so clearly. Our heart begins bursting at the seams with every adorable change in their life and even the unheavenly scent of a diaper change makes you smile.
As time goes on you see them struggle to talk and with each little "Mama" your heart melts. And the joy when they try to repeat a common word that turns out sounding like a curse word makes you laugh with pride knowing that in a few years if that same word comes out you will have to reprimand your little darling.
And in a blink of an eye the pre-teen years begin, and especially between the ages of 11-15, you would love for Grandma to take them in, though even through the trying times your heart goes on and your love for them keeps them in your embrace. Then rejoice hits and the glimmer of a relationship begins. You have always had a sweet relationship but with every stage of their life it presents new meaning.
One day you wake up and there stands a strong independent Woman before you. She is bright, beautiful, has ethic, stability and know how. As parents we can only take some of that credit, after all what we give our children are the best tools we have for them to work with. They have to create their own best selves as adults.
Through birthday parties, graduations, college and weddings we learn what vows mean. It is not just our spouse in sickness and health but our children. We have seen them through it all and now with families of their own our place takes on a new life and new meaning with them.
I look at my "child" now and I fall in love with her all over again like the day I first laid eyes on her. She has turned into an amazing Wife and Mother and though I know my place as a Parent she is my friend as well.
Her Children have become a new light in my life and I am so incredibly blessed. Her strength as a Woman, a Daughter, a Mother and as a Wife lets her soul shine.